Traffic Safety Facts: County Profiles 2014
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IU Public Policy Institute
This report provides information on Indiana traffic collisions by county in 2014. County-level information is included for the following:
One map depicting locations of each collision involving a fatal injury and each collision involving an injury (incapacitating, non-incapacitating, and possible). Due to invalid or non-existent latitude and longitude coordinates, not all collisions could be mapped.
Fatal, injury, and property damage only collisions by month
Fatalities and injuries by month
Total collisions, fatal and non-fatal injuries by municipality
Total alcohol-impaired collisions, fatal alcohol-impaired collisions, and fatal and non-fatal injuries resulting from alcohol-impaired collisions by municipality
Licensed drivers by age group
Driver alcohol levels by age group
Alcohol levels among vehicle drivers by municipality
Top intersections by total mappable collision count
Restraint use by age group and injury status
Restraint use by municipality and injury status
Restraint use among passenger vehicle occupants by passenger vehicle type (passenger car, sport utility vehicle (SUV), pickup truck, and van) and injury status
Public safety
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