Traffic Safety Facts: Occupant Protection 2015

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IU Public Policy Institute

In 2015, 45,693 passenger vehicle occupants were injured or killed in Indiana traffic collisions; 88 percent were wearing proper safety restraints. Among the 574 passenger vehicle occupants killed in Indiana collisions, 48 percent were properly restrained (Figure 1). This fact sheet summarizes occupant protection data trends at state and county levels in Indiana crashes. Restraint use and injury analyses are limited to those occurring in passenger vehicles (defined as passenger cars, pickup trucks, sport utility vehicles, and vans).

Analyses include data from several sources (see last page for a full list of references, data sources, and definitions). Indiana data come primarily from the Indiana State Police Automated Reporting Information Exchange System (ARIES), as of March 17, 2016. Nearly 89 percent of passenger vehicle occupants injured (excludes individuals in collisions with no injury reported) in 2015 Indiana traffic collisions were wearing the proper safety restraint.

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