Eland, Ivan2024-06-052024-06-052005-06-22https://hdl.handle.net/2450/13590Ivan Eland discusses the growing discontent among Americans regarding U.S. policy in Iraq, highlighting a significant decline in public support for the war. Recent polls indicate that a majority of Americans disapprove of the Bush administration's handling of the situation and believe the U.S. should not have invaded Iraq. This shift in public opinion has emboldened Congress to propose measures for withdrawing U.S. forces. Eland argues that historical precedents, such as the Vietnam War, show the importance of congressional oversight in ending unnecessary military engagements. He criticizes the administration's reliance on Sunni political participation and the establishment of Iraqi security forces, suggesting these efforts are unlikely to succeed before public patience runs out. Eland concludes that the administration should acknowledge the war's failure, set a withdrawal schedule, and negotiate a comprehensive peace settlement.en-USAmericans Are Finally Waking Up to the Failure of U.S. Policy in IraqArticle