Burow, SueMajors, Jessica2017-03-022017-03-022015-07http://policyinstitute.iu.edu/Uploads/PublicationFiles/Cultural%20Trail%20issue%20brief%2015-C23.pdfhttps://hdl.handle.net/2450/11296This issue brief summarizes the key findings from the preliminary assessment of the impact from the Indianapolis Cultural Trail: A Legacy of Gene and Marilyn Glick. On behalf of the Central Indiana Community Foundation, the Institute examined assessed value data and conducted surveys of businesses and owners about spending and use of the Trail. The study shows that less than one year after construction was completed on the Trail, it is already having a positive impact on visitors and residents, as well as businesses along the Trail.Economic developmentHousingCommunity developmentLand use and environmentReasons to Love the Indianapolis Cultural Trail: A Legacy of Gene and Marilyn GlickReport