2009-12-072009-12-072000-11http://www.polis.iupui.edu/polis/RUC/Newsletters/Clergy/default.htmhttps://hdl.handle.net/2450/3577Congregations often run up against strong protests from neighborhood residents when they propose to expand their facilities or move to a new location. The majority of a congregation's members may live outside the neighborhood where its building is located. Yet, increasingly, congregations have family centers, counseling centers, schools, child-care centers, and gymnasiums-facilities that attract a steady flow of traffic throughout the week, multiplying the potential for conflict with neighbors. Thoughtful planning and communication are key to minimizing disputes and bad feelings. This issue includes an interview with Tammara Tracy, a township administrator for the City of Indianapolis; and resources.When Construction Projects Become DestructiveNewsletter